Category Archives: Alex’ view

Alex’ view – You are on the threshold to success

Hi all,

I am humbled that you choose to come to my blog as part of your journey that is called life!

You decided to read my blog, which means that you will never choose to accept your current situation as the best part of your life. Yes, be grateful of all that you have achieved so far and use to successes as the fuel and motivation to continue to achieve more success.

I firmly believe in the power of affirmations. As soon as you start to believe and speak in affirmations then you will see things change and see the impossible all of a sudden become possible. I get my belief in this from the fact that I believe in God as a Christian. God tells us that if we ask him, we will receive it (as long as it is in accordance with his will … he will not listen to inflict bodily harm to others). And he also asks us to have faith as a child has. Why? Because when we are still a child, then we still are able to truly believe, without any exceptions. But as we grow older then things happen that impact us and it can become more difficult to do so. But choose today to learn and believe as a child … a child will not think that something could be impossible. Amazing and beautiful. And from my own experience, I have seen how things that seemed impossible, became possible and brought success for me and my family.

But the fact that we start living an affirmation-based life, does not mean that we won’t experience any opposition. We will! First, because the thing you want or the way you want is not the best for you. Then God will stop it for you and provide you with something better. But also it is because if you want to move forward then forces will try to hinder you (see if you will stop), but know that you are currently already standing on a threshold to that success you are working for. So keep hanging on and believe and then there is no opposition that will succeed. No, you are the one that will succeed.

God bless and enjoy the affirmation ride in life!

Alex’ view – Affirmations (20 June 2021)

Hi all,

Today I want to focus with you on another important part of affirmations. Although affirmations seems to be focused on improving your own life (which is true), there is another important element which you need to take into account: helping others.

You will have to belief that there is a certain balance in our world. And if you believe this to be true, then you will start to understand that if you help others, then at a certain point you will also receive help. Same will apply if you do a bad thing, then it won’t be unlikely that something bad will also come your way. For this reason it is very important to always see how you can help others progress in life.

But also to be successful in business (for example) than along the way you will need to interact nd work together with other people. If you want to be succesfull, then you also need to help others to achieve that same goal.

Have a very nice day!

Alex’ view – Affirmations 2021

Dear all,

It might be that you are distracted or even worrying about all that is happening in the world. And that thinking and speaking in affirmations is the last thing on your mind. However, these times make it even more important to speak them out and life accordingly. As mentioned in previous posts, affirmations really have impact. All that we speak has power, especially if it done with emotion.

This makes it also very important to not speak anything negative as those words can (and will) also have power. Just think make about some negative things you said out of emotions. Didn’t they actually came through? I know more than one example where later on I was confronted with a certain negative situation and someone remembered me what I had said before that time.

If we speak and life according to affirmations does that also mean that we will not experience unwanted situations? No, unfortunately in life we will still go through challenges. I believe (in my case from a Christian perspective) that we are put in certain situation to grow and develop new skills and such. If you would never encounter any opposition, than it is very unlikely that you will become better. Just look at your work: is it the standardized tasks that have made you better in your work? Or were it the more challenging tasks that you were assigned?

So please don’t think that as soon as you start living according to affirmations that nothing will come on your path that you won’t like, because it will. But I can already hear the question: than what is the use of those affirmations? Well, even in those challenging moments affirmations can let you go through them more easily and even also more succesful. I have seen a lot of people really suffer through 2020 and even now. But if you speak positive things than you will see that your focus will be more on them. But it is also important to start taking out negative influences. Is there this one friend that is always negative? Maybe it is time to let him/her go. And why listen to the new constantly? Let’s be honest most of the time it is only negative things. Don’t expect news to be there to make you feel better. When the pandemic started, I also used to read a lot of new about it, but it wasn’t until my youngest was sitting in the car with me and when the news came one day, he just put the radio off. And while I was looking surprised at thim, he just said: i don’t want to listen to it, it all just negative. I was really amazed by his words, but we decided to follow his suggestion and we noticed that it actually improvement our mindset. And through affirmations and blocking out negative influences we noticed how things were going better and better.

If you want to take anything from this post, let it be that speaking and thinking positive will improve your life, but will also make you more happy!

Alex’ view – Critical thinking

Hi reader,

In this new blog post I will be talking about critical thinking. If the last year has shown us something it must be without a doubt: we have to be more critical in our thinking.

Although our education system(s) claim that they also teach us the art of critical thinking, they actually don’t. They do help you to think critically when it comes to your profession/education, but not when it comes to other subjects like the trust we should have in other people, companies and our governments.


Around the world, governments are fighting to stop COVID-19 or so they claim. Let’s be honest a lot of their actions seem to be for the greater good. However, if you start thinking about it, all they are asking is for us give away a lot of our hard earned freedoms. And does COVID-19 warrant the situation in which we are giving away those freedoms?

This week the world reached the amount of 2 million deaths due to COVID-19. I will also fully agree that is an extremely large number, but when we analyze the whole situation is it really an amount to give away all those freedoms:

  1. First lets just think about the fact that COVID-19 is a new strain of a virus (to be compared with the influenza). Of course, the number of deaths were expected to be high during the first months. Why? Because our bodies were not equiped to fight this virus. During the months we saw the numbers rise considerably slower. Which means that our bodies were succesfully fighting it.
  2. And all of a sudden the governments start talking about new variances of COVID-19. Here we need to be critical in our thinking: it seems that although people were still getting sick, the number of deaths from it, started to decrease. It would seem that governments (and pharmaceuticals) actually want to benefit from the existence of this virus.
  3. Furthermore, if we take the 2,000,000 deaths as a percentage of the 7.7 billion people on earth, then the death rate is actually: 0.03% of the world population. Does this percentage really warrant all the extreme measures that the governments are taking? To me it doesn’t. If so, why not also use these kind of measures for the “normal” influenza?
  4. But let’s think a little further. Normally pharmaceuticals need approximately 10-20 years to develop a new medicine or vaccin. And even then it is always with a lot of side effects. But now all of a sudden they were able to find a new vaccin for a “new” virus. And are eager to start selling it immediately. Pharmaceuticals that have a long history of lawsuits and such because of errors in their medicines. Why would we trust this vaccin?
  5. Also why are governments actually forcing us to take this vaccin? A lot of governments start talking about taking away our freedoms (which would make the world described in Revelations coming pretty close by). We would not be allowed to enter stores, go to gatherings and more. For what? For a virus that is not even so deadly (stastically)?
  6. Also the source of the virus (a lab in Wuhan) is very shady, considering they receive a lot of funding from the likes of Bill Gates (an Eugenics follower, which want the number of people to become lower) and several governments.

I will write more on this subject. But for now start thinking more critically and don’t just accept things, because e.g. the government tells you.

Alex’ view – Don’t let racism impact you


Don’t let racism impact you

Dear brothers and sisters,

Although I don’t consider it something specifically from this current time. It is unfortunately a fact that racism is a very actual problem. The way racism has become so actual has a lot to do with the current presidency of Donald Trump. The way how he is and acts, has brought a very ugly side of a part of white US citizens to our attention (but also outside the US borders if you ask me).

Yes, I believe Trump is a racist and that the current climate in which people are becoming more and more aggresively racist, is really to be blamed on him. But is it fair to put all the blame on Trump? No, defintely not. Racism is something that has already been part of human history long before Donald Trump. Donald Trump only brought racism to the foreground. What has shocked me very much is the number of Christians following Donald Trump and showing also to be racist. Let it be clear that in the Bible you will find not justification for being racist. Genesis 1:27 (NIV) states very clearly that mankind was created in Gods image. Not only are we ourselves created in His image, but also every other human is also created in His image. This already shows that God would never allow racism, because did God not create all of us in His image? Then why is there still racism? Very simple because in 1 Corinthians 12 we can read about the importance of unity in Gods body (Christians). And isn”t racism a good way to create exactly the opposite?

Realizing this, will help you to be more aware of your own world view. Because racism has been around so long, you should not downplay the impact racism can have on your life and your worldview. In the history of white people, we are always taught how we were a vital part in how the world changed  and how we discovered the rest of the world But how can you discover a country or continent that already has people living on it? See, how we are being programmed by our own history books to built some kind of arrogance on ourselves? Why don’t the history books give a more honest presentation of what happened when the white men “discovered” Africa. Did the white men really helped Africa or just created more ground for racism to flourish on? When I look back then I have to come to the conclusion that a lot of problems that the African continent is faced with even today, are also the caused by the colonial expansion of European countries, taking parts of Africa on which they had no claim. Stealing resources that they were not entitled to. Or the impact of slavery? I know that in white history (by lack of better word) it is hard to talk on this subject in full detail (although it has improved somewhat), but a fact is that slavery is a very wicked thing and that is caused a lot of misery.

I think that this actually an important thing we need to realize. Racism is not a new thing, but has been around for a long time. That our history books don’t always give a fair and complete view of how racism has developend. And most important that the devil is the driving force behind racism!

Knowing the above, we should also be aware how racism knowingly or unknowingly can impact our own life. First of all, I want to address all those that openly are racists, because they need a group to blame something on. For me racism is always a way to blame negative things in your own life on another group. Is it really the fault of your African or Asian neighbour that you lost your job? Or are there are there other factors that lead to you loosing your job?

I believe that through the years all of us have been impacted in our thinking to some extent. It depends on God, ourselves, our upbringing and our surrounding how we let it impact us. If you grow up hearing that the white man is the fault of everything, then how you will you not develop a certain resentment or hate for white people? Or if you are continously persecuted and treated less because of your black skin color? How will that not impact on how you view your own race and will it not develop some kind of hatred for white people (in this specific example). But please don’t think this racism discussion is limited to only black and white people, no it has its impact all over the world.


If you hate racism, then you need to fight against it and not take it over. How much you feel justified to hate white people for all the racism, if you also react in the same way than you also allow racism to grow. I know that for some the reasoning is that only white people are racist. Wrong. Everyone can be a racist or have racist beliefs. And reacting racistly is just as wrong.

We need to stop seeing the difference in skin color and race as someting more than just a difference in just that. Another skin color doesn’t make you any more or less than another race. Everybody is created in God’s image! So we are all the same!

Stop being racist to others and blame the devil for things that don’t go right in your life. And also take your own responsibility. Was it really your neighbour with another skin color that made you lose your job, or was it due to the economy or because you didn’t perform well?

Be aware of your thoughts? Is every white person racist? No. I am white myself and I hate racism and for me everyone is the same. I don’t feel superior because of my skin color. For me I already dislike it when people treat a CEO better then the secretary. Why? Because of his/her position? Don’t think less of someone because they have a lower functon than you, or because there skin color differs.

But also be aware that you don’t rule out a person of another race to be friends with or even to marry. Even recently, my wife told of a friend that is from Surinam decent and also lifes in the Netherlands. And for some reason she really has something against white men, to the extent that she believes that all white men kill and rape children (and more of such things). This is probably something that has been taught to her while growing up, but see how it impacts her now. She believes that she can only be happy with a black and is not even open to the possibility that God might have a husband for her from another race. We should allow our own taughts and upbringing  to allow racist thoughts to determine our actions, because they can even limit your luck and joy in life. Also don’t let those thoughts limit your view on getting friends and a partner. Do you have to have a partner of the same skin color or race? No, nowhere in the Bible it says that we should. Are you betraying your own race if you do? No, you can embrace your culture just the same! If a white man fits better with you as a black woman, why then force to marry a black man? Or if you are a white man and you feel that a black woman (you can replace my examples with all diferent races of course) is what really the woman that really is the best for you. Is it not better to be with the woman or man that you love and desire or do you really want to be forced to be with someone of your own race, just because history and the current times still want to keep that lie alive?

Please be aware that racism can have more an impact on your life than you think? Do you feel contempt for another race? Or do you blame another race? Do you feel better than another race? Do you not feel free to mingle with people from another race? Do you somewhere belief the outrageous stories about another race? Then racism has more an impact on you than you think. Don’t allow it and ask God to change our way of thinking and allow Him to restore your thinking to be in line with God’s teaching!

God bless all of you!

Alex’ view – Child protection services

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today I have decided to write my view on the child protection services, because these kind of organisations should protect children, but they rarely do.

In the Netherlands they are called “Raad voor de Kinderbescherming”, Bureau Jeugdzorg, Salvation Armies Jeugdzorg and more of such organisations. These organisations should be there to protect children, but over the years I have come to understand that these organisations really don’t care about children, nor their families.

Don’t get me wrong in the purest form I think it is important for any society to have such an organisation to protect the children in the most terrible of situations. But I feel that these organisations should be very reluctant to be involved and take actions. They don’t seem to understand that their actions often have the worst of consequences. For example see the following Youtube-movie:


But also I have come across more stories on how these kind of organisations really abuse their position and really wreck families, where there is actually nothing going wrong. But because they see themselves as saviors or something like that, they think they have to come and rescue everyone. They can just rip children from their parents and making it very hard for the parents to get to see their children. Parents that prove over and over again that the lies from the child protection services are lies, have to see how these child protection services know that they are wrong, but they still continue their foul actions. Because imagine that you should just admit your fault. No, they rather pursue a witch hunt against these innocent parents. And the judges are also not any better, because they will follow the child protection services most of the time. I really pray that God really bring change in this kind of injustice and removes the incompetent people at the child protection services and replace them with skilled people that won’t immediately take unneeded actions.

Also, it seems that they also have a tendency to treat non-white people differently than others. I am not saying that they will always treat white people better, but I have seen enough examples where racism really played a factor in the choices of the child protection services.

I really urge a change in child protection services. First of all they need to be continually monitored by an organisation that can really hold them accountable for all their actions. But also I pray that they stop to wreck families and really take their time to analyze everything before taking any actions.

Happy birthday, Cindy!


Happy birthday!

Today (16 April 2016) we celebrate the birthday of my beautiful and amazing wife, Cindy.

Cindy, you are the love of my life and I love being on our journey of life together every day! I wish you all the best and know that God will bless you in this new year to come and He will open a lot of doors and help you grow in all aspects of your life!


God bless and love you!


Daily word for 22 March 2016 – Revelation 21:5-6

Daily encouraging word

Daily word for 22 March 2016 – Revelation 21:5-6

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today I want to encourage you with the words from Revelation 21:5-6 (NIV):

5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” 6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.

Know that how much the world seems to be changing for the worst, we already have the promise of God that all this will be followed by something good! God makes our lives new, so always rest your faith on that! And God is greater than everything in the world, so never think that our problems are unable to be solved by God! God is the beginning and the end and He will gives us water to life for free!


My view: racism


My view: racism

I have spoken about this subject before, but then from a Christian view. And I truly know that God hates racism, as He created us all to be equal.

The reason for writing a new blog on this subject is the increasing racism in the world. In the last months the most news comes from the USA, where racism is seemingly getting worse and worse by the day.

I am white man and I am married to an African woman. Due to our relationship we are very busy with this subject. We are confronted with more than one side on this subject. Not only because of the way a part of the American police force is dealing with black people, but also because it seems to be a matter between white and black.

But also outside of the USA you can see racism between groups increase, and I see it as something very alarming, but unfortunately also as part of the way the world is turning to its evil ways and getting closer to the situation in “the days of Noah”.

Considering God created us, He did so without putting hate for others in us. That means that our hatred is something that came in some of us through this wicked world. It could be because of what our parents and friends have told us, bad experiences and such things. Whatever the reason, nothing justifies of hating someone purely based on the color of their skin.

I really feel pain for all the news that comes out of the USA of white police men killing black people, and most of the time the killing isn’t even justifiable. Not that killing should ever ben justifiable, but if it was to prevent greater danger. This week I read on a police man that killed a black man that didn’t want to show his drivers license. I am happy that he is charged with murder and that his own equipment recorded this, because he lied about the incident (that it was to protect him, while the video clearly shows that he liquidated him. When looking to the race issue in the USA, I see that it becomes clear again that the deep race issue that has been there for centuries is still there.. Why? Because the USA never really dealt with all that happened and did not do enough to destroy the roots of the racism between the races.

As long as we pretent that racism is not from this time anymore, the more easily it can stay. We need to come together and learn from each other, to talk to each other, to understand each other, but also learn to see that we are all the same and that a different race or color of skin is no reason to hate someone else.

Another reason that will also not stop racism is the fact that I see that alot of people seem to think that racism is a white thing. It is not, throughout history we see how groups hate each other. Also hate against white people exists. As long as we keep prejudice against each other, then racism will have no problem to stay in each other. Instead of hating each other, take the time to learn to know each other. To learn from each others cultures. To take away prejudice about the other person.

As soon as we will all take the effort to get to know each other, then God can help us to remove any form of prejudice and hate towards each other.

God bless you all!