Tag Archives: Alexander McQueen

Behind the music – Satanic influence


Behind the music – Satanic influence

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today a new blog in the ‘behind the music’. In this blog I will go in on the influence of satan in music in general. How much you like some secular songs, you can rest assured that the chance is very big that with some digging you will clearly find the influence of satan in it.

It is important that you no longer close your eyes to this fact and educate yourself on this subject.

Satanic influence

Most, if not all, secular music is influenced by satan. With some quick digging you will easily find artists that have openly sold their soul to satan, just to have fame and fortune. Know that how amazing this fame and fortune may look, no amount of money or fame is worth going to hell for!

Here are some examples:

Tori Amos

Tori Amos stated: “I think music comes through dimensions, it`s arrogant to think you can create music on your own, there`s a co-creation going on. I don`t know with whom, but there is this well that we all tap into”. She once said “I wanted to marry Lucifer I don’t consider Lucifer an evil force .I feel his presence with his music. I feel like he comes and sits on my piano”.

See how she openly admits that she (and also others musicians) need satan to create their music. She even goes so far to say that she wants to marry satan. Someone that can openly state this, is someone that you should not even try and listen to her music. She makes it very clear who the real composer of her music is.

Joan Mitchell

In 1974 she told the press that get her music and inspiration from a male spirit. And you can bet yourself that this is not a good spirit? Why not? Because if it was from God than you would flat out confirm it is from God. But in her case she lets us not that she gets her music from a male demon. She calls her demon: Art. And she also confirms that she is married to this demon, so there is no room for any doubt that she sold her soul to the devil.

Lady Gaga

I doubt that with this more recent famous musicians there is still any doubt of her alliance to the devil. She admits that she has the spirit of a death aunt inside of her and that she got a song called Judas from the spirit of Alexander McQueen (a deceased demonic designer). As we know she is being lied to (although it is obvious that she knows it) considering these two spirit are of course demons! And someone that can make a song to honor Judas. The disciple that betrayed Jesus?! To honor a disciple that sold his soul to the devil himself is more than proof that she sold her soul to the devil.

These are just a few examples of artists that openly confess that they have sold their souls to the devil. And the list goes on and on! For example: Bob Dylan, John Lennon, the Beatles, Carlos Santana and Kurt Kobain.